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Martin Searle Solicitors

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14 Years In Business – Celebrate & Make A Difference!

To celebrate our fourteenth year in business, we’re throwing a party to raise funds for Refugee Support Europe on 22 June 2018 at Werks Central 15-17 Middle St, Brighton BN1 1AL, from 7 till midnight. 

Join us to celebrate and make a difference! Tickets cost £12 and include a glass of fizz, nibbles, and music by a Syrian band, DJ Eggs Legs and Lafidiki.

Refugee Support Europe

Originally founded in Brighton, Refugee Support Europe offer aid with dignity to refugees. They are a grassroots, self-funded, non-government organisation who rely on the generosity of donors and volunteers to help Syrian and Rohingya refugees in Greece and Bangladesh.

Their team of volunteers and donors have helped over 13,000 refugees since they went to Greece in 2016. But as conflict continues to rage in Syria and Greece, the number of refugees in need of help in refugee camps continues to rise.

We’ve supported Refugee Support Europe for the last year, donating our Marketing Assistant Chloe’s time half a day a week to write and publish a weekly newsletter, the RS Express. We’ve seen how important the work they are doing is.

The night will include:

  • Live music from Syrian musicians Jamal and Alaa
  • Tropical set by DJ Eggs Legs including Highlife, Afro funk, soukous, chichi and samba
  • Experimental music in the secret garden by LAFIDIKI
  • Photography from the refugees camps in Greece and Bangladesh
  • Bar stocked with wines and beers courtesy of Butler’s Wine Cellar
  • Tasty dips provided by Sunbirds Deli
  • Speech by Refugee Support Europe co-founder, Paul Hutchings
  • Steve Silverwood and friends from Refugee Radio will be compering the evening
  • Prize raffle

You can book tickets here. General admission tickets cost £10. If you would like to make a donation for your ticket instead, please do. Profits will be donated to Refugee Support Europe.

Please contact our office on 01273 609911 or e-mail if you have any enquiries about the evening.

See you there!






Martin Searle Solicitors, 9 Marlborough Place, Brighton, BN1 1UB
T: 01273 609 991

Martin Searle Solicitors is the trading name of ms solicitors ltd, which is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, and is registered in England under company number 05067303.

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