HR Matters: A New Bi-Monthly HR Forum For Brighton & Hove
Many of you may know that I set up HR Digital Media more than six years ago in partnership with Wired Sussex and Madgex. We have met every two months and have introduced a rolling programme of employment law updates, together with sharing human resource best practice on issues such as appraisals, talent management and recruitment.
A number of HR Managers from different sectors have asked to join in but we have not been able to accommodate their request as they do not work for a digital media company. I have therefore decided to start a new forum, “HR Matters”, for all sectors of the Brighton & Hove business community. I am joined by Jane Schofield, who is HR Manager at Varndean College.
We hope to attract:
- Anyone who has responsibility for personnel and HR issues within their business. This could be an administrator, finance director, HR Assistant or Manager
- HR Consultants are also welcome in order to network and update their employment law knowledge
- Anyone with a thorny HR issue to resolve
I know how busy HR professionals are which is why our two hour meetings which cover employment law updates are essential to any business. Employment law changes are not only introduced twice-yearly but it is an area subject to government influence. This means that changes are coming in thick and fast and it pays to be ahead of the game.
Examples of topics covered by the HR Digital Media Group are:
- Employment law updates prior to forthcoming changes in April and October
- Managing ill health and disability
- Maximising performance
- Stress and absence management
- Managing difficult people
- Retention and talent management
- Dealing with grievances and disciplinary proceedings
- Equality and diversity training
- Managing Pregnancy, Maternity and Paternity
Our first planning meeting of HR Matters will be held on 5 June at Latest MusicBar, Manchester Street, Brighton at 4pm – 5.30pm.
This will be an introductory meeting to discuss how the group will run, what topics would be of most interest to members and will provide an opportunity to get to know one another.