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Lily Grunwell

Community Care Law Solicitor

Lily Grunwell

 I advise lay and professional clients on a range of Community Care Law matters at particularly difficult and stressful times in people’s lives. I love working at martin searle solicitors because of our friendly and supportive approach to clients as well as our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility


I started working for martin searle solicitors in 2019 as a Team Assistant. I begun studying towards my Legal Practice Course part time in 2020 and was promoted to Team Supervisor in 2021.

I began my solicitors’ training contract in September 2022 and joined the Employment Law team for my first placement. My final placement was in the Community Care Law team. I decided to qualify in this area of law as I feel strongly about helping people ensure that their loved ones are cared for with dignity and respect.

I advise on Planning and Paying for Care, eligibility for NHS Continuing Healthcare funding, Care Commissioning, Safeguarding, Mental Capacity issues, Deputyship Applications and Lasting Powers of Attorney.

I volunteered to be our Environmental Champion because I feel strongly about climate change.


I graduated from the University of Brighton in 2018 with a degree in Politics. I completed the Graduate Diploma in Law at the University of Sussex in 2019. I completed my Legal Practice Course with a Masters in Law at the University of Law in 2022, achieving a distinction. I qualified as a solicitor in September 2024.

Other experience

I have carried out a large number of roles across the retail and hospitality sector. I have also been an intern with the Born Free Foundation, which gave me invaluable insight into the European Union and international law.

I also volunteered with the NHS Support Federation and witnessed the impact of budgetary and staff shortages on the NHS.

I have a life too

I love working in Brighton and enjoy eating out at a wide range of restaurants that  serve amazing vegan food. I also attend diverse live music events. I swim every week and it is a bonus living within walking distance of the sea. I am passionate about animal welfare protection and stay up to date with politics and current events.

Get in touch with Lily

Martin Searle Solicitors, 9 Marlborough Place, Brighton, BN1 1UB
T: 01273 609 991

Martin Searle Solicitors is the trading name of ms solicitors ltd, which is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, and is registered in England under company number 05067303.

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