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FAQs: Section 117 Aftercare

Certain individuals who have been sectioned under the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA) will be entitled to free aftercare funding, known as s117 aftercare. Our expert Community Care Law solicitors answer your questions

  1. What is s117 aftercare?
  2. Can Social Services charge for s117 aftercare?
  3. Who is eligible for s117 aftercare?
  4. What constitutes “aftercare”?
  5. What does s117 aftercare cover?
  6. Does s117 aftercare cover accommodation?
  7. Can you choose your s117 accommodation?
  8. How long does s117 aftercare last?
  9. Why should you check eligibility for s117 aftercare?
  10. What are the difficulties in obtaining and retaining s117 aftercare funding?

What is s117 aftercare?

Section 117 (s117) of the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA 1983) sets out that certain people who have been sectioned are entitled to aftercare in order to reduce the risk of their mental health deteriorating and therefore further hospital admissions.

Can Social Services charge for s117 aftercare?

It is unlawful for Social Services to charge for services that they should provide under their s117 aftercare duties. s117 aftercare funding is designed to cover the cost of meeting all of the person’s mental health related support needs. If the person has physical health needs and mental health needs, s117 may not cover the full cost of their support package. In some cases a top-up is required to fill the funding gap.

Who is eligible for s117 aftercare?

Individuals who have been detained under Section 3 of the MHA 1983 make up the majority of people eligible for s117 aftercare. However, people detained under any of the forensic treatment sections (s37, s45A, s47 or s48) or under a Community Treatment Order will also be entitled to s117 aftercare services.

What constitutes “aftercare”?

Aftercare is defined as having both of the following elements:

  • Meeting a need arising from or related to your mental health disorder, and
  • Reducing the risk of a deterioration of your mental health condition

What does s117 aftercare cover?

s117 aftercare funding can cover many types of support service which are provided to help you live in the community after discharge from psychiatric hospital. This may include healthcare, social care, employment services and services to meet your wider social, cultural and spiritual needs.

Does s117 aftercare cover my accommodation?

s117 aftercare may cover the costs of accommodation in certain circumstances, but not the costs of ordinary housing such as a rented flat. The rules are complex and many Social Services departments are looking to find ways to limit what they pay for. If you require specialist accommodation because of the mental health condition that led to you being sectioned then it is reasonable to expect that s117 funding will cover the cost. This will usually be supported living or care home accommodation. S117 may also cover the cost of specialist accommodation that is imposed on you because you lack the mental capacity to make the decision for yourself. Mental health and mental capacity are very different things, but some people who qualify for s117 aftercare duties may also lack capacity.

Can you choose your s117 accommodation?

If you qualify for support under s117 aftercare rules you should be given the same right to choice as other people when it comes to finding appropriate supported accommodation. However, if you choose accommodation which costs more than the Local Authority Usual Rate, you may be required to make a First Party Top Up or to find someone who will pay a Third Party Top Up. It may be possible to challenge the Top Up by arguing that you have a need, and not a preference, for the particular accommodation which costs more than Social Services’ “cap” on costs.

How long does s117 aftercare last?

s117 is designed to last for as long as the need for aftercare arises, in order to reduce the risk of deterioration and subsequent re-admission to hospital. This could be a short, medium or long term arrangement which will depend on your individual circumstances.

Why should you check eligibility for s117 aftercare?

Establishing your right to s117 aftercare can be valuable in terms of meeting the costs of your ongoing care. It is not uncommon for people who should have qualified for s117 aftercare to not be given that support and be left self-funding their care unlawfully.

What are the difficulties in obtaining and retaining s117 aftercare funding?

Establishing and retaining eligibility for s117 aftercare funding is no longer as straightforward as simply writing a letter and providing evidence of the relevant detention under section. It is possible that Health or Social Services may try and argue that the criteria for aftercare services are not met – for example, the services in question are not relevant to reducing the risk of another hospital admission. The fact that your mental health needs have become stable, due to the aftercare provision, doesn’t mean you no longer require the services. The question to ask is: “if these services were withdrawn would your mental health decline to the point where re-admission is likely?”.

Many Health or Social Services Departments are finding arguments and loopholes to avoid any s117 duty; to limit what they provide; or to discharge their s117 aftercare duties prematurely.

For expert advice on obtaining and retaining s117 aftercare, get in touch with our Community Care Law Team on 01273 609911, or email

Martin Searle Solicitors, 9 Marlborough Place, Brighton, BN1 1UB
T: 01273 609 991

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