Martin Searle Solicitors Sponsor Brighton & Hove Business Awards 2014

Ian Maull
We are proud to announce that Martin Searle Solicitors are sponsoring the Brighton and Hove Business Awards (BAHBAs) 2014.
The annual award ceremony, now in its ninth year, recognises the business successes of the city. Judges will be looking for “companies, organisations and individuals that really capture the spirit of Brighton & Hove”.
Amongst the judges will be our directors Fiona Martin and Cate Searle, who have enjoyed the experience of winning and being shortlisted for a number of local and national business awards.
In recognition of our community involvement we won the Sussex Business in the Community Award in 2010 and in the same year were runners-up for two Law Society National Excellence Awards for our website and also our community engagement.
In March 2012 we were delighted to win the Digital Media Campaign of the Year Award at the Gatwick Diamond Business Awards for our pregnancy and maternity rights campaign ‘Mind The Bump’. And at the end of the 2012, Cate Searle was awarded Boss of the Year at the Sussex Business Awards.
Fiona, who heads up our firm’s employment law department, said:
“I think we can say that we have enough winners’ trophies on our mantelpiece. We believe it’s time to give something back to our business community. We know how valuable recognition is in building our business’s reputation. We want to sponsor the BAHBA’s to help other innovative and forward-thinking companies gain the recognition they deserve. The BAHBA’s are truly an alternative, fun event which identifies our local talent and entrepreneurs and highlights Brighton & Hove as a great place to work.”
Entries for the 2014 BAHBA’s close on Friday 23 May, with the award ceremony taking place on Thursday 10 July at the end of Brighton Pier.
To nominate a business for an award, or to buy tickets for the event, visit the BAHBA website here.
We hope you can join us on the night for what should be a fantastic celebration of our business community in Brighton & Hove.